01 How do I place an order?
Place an order by selecting your items and adding it to your shopping basket. All order will arrive blank unless you select 'YES' in the box marked embroidery. You will then enter the text you would like embroidered on your Wild Child Hoodie in the NOTES field at checkout. Otherwise, select 'NO' for embroidery. Next you should follow the steps for shipping and payment until you get your order confirmation.
02 Shipping
Goods usually ship withing 48 hrs if blank or 96 hrs if embroidered. If an item is out of stock it will be sent as soon as it is becomes available.
03 Returns & Refunds
All returns must be authorized with an RA#. Customers are responsible for shipping the item back. Only blank items will be able to be returned. Custom embroidered hoodies will only be able to be exchanged once authorized with proper reason.